25 MAY 2023

Secondary Schools Choir Competitions

The competition of choirs of secondary schools of Nairobi 2023 edition held in Precious Blood Riruta. This event brings different schools of Nairobi to showcase their talents and to promote peace, love and unity among all interfaiths..

25 MAY 2023

Certificate Awards

Bishop Mazzoldi students who took part on the day(Choir Competition) were awarded certificate of participation.

Prayer day in our school

Met together as a school for Special prayers and holy communion for those who partake.

27 JULY 2022

Founders Day

It was with gratitude that we celebrate Happy Founders’ Day. Our Beloved Founders passed on some years back. Rt. Rev. Bishop Sisto Mazzoldi 31 years since he passed on (1987) and Very Rev. Fr. John Marengoni 11 years after his passing on (2007)..

Sports and Games

We had friendly match, footbal , valleyball to enhance learners skills and talent.

20 FEB 2023

Assembly Time

Assembly gathering in preparation for classes with students raising flag during the assembly time.

05 FEB 2023

Laboratory Physics Practicals

Practical studies for Physics and preparation for practical exams.

School Tutors

The school teaching staff as team. Bishop Mazzoldi Secondary School

School Tutors

The school teaching staff as team. Bishop Mazzoldi Secondary School